Useful Contacts

For general enquiries please contact reception:
local_phone 029 2026 5000
Replacement Certificates
If you would like to replace a certificate because it has been lost, stolen, damaged or not collected, please get in touch for more information
local_phone 029 2026 5132
For all questions about entries, preliminary entries, and final entries.
local_phone 029 2026 5193
Centre Registration and Exams Officer Support
To register as an approved ΒιΆΉΚΣΖ΅ centre, contact our dedicated Centre Registrations Team for more information.
local_phone 029 2026 5077
Post Results Services
Following the publication of results for each examination series, ΒιΆΉΚΣΖ΅ offers a range of post-results services relating to reviews of marking and moderation and access to examination scripts.
local_phone 01443 845619
Professional Learning
Our professional learning experts are ready to answer questions on all our courses.
local_phone 029 2026 5024
Press Enquiries
For all press enquiries please contact Jonathan Thomas, PR Manager:
local_phone 029 2026 5102
Appointees / Examiners Team
local_phone 02920 265 457
Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales Regional Support Team
Our team of experts provide advisory support to schools and other education providers in Wales.